Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Ok the blog has been created and I am venturing to drop the first post. As I mentioned on the board, I have tried this a few times and failed miserably each time, LOL. But maybe the 3rd times a charm?

This is on my mind so I'm just going to post this random thought:
I've been wondering what is happening to common courtesy? I have had 2 incidents where my car has been hit and the other driver at fault has acted INCREDIBLY rude. On the Friday before Christmas, I pulled into a parking lot and saw that a big city bus was about to pull out. Being the considerate driver that I am, I pulled over to the farthes spot in the driveway making room for the bus driver to get by. I was at a stop when the bus driver barreled through driveway and she ALMOST cleared me but crushed the back driver's side of my car. I couldn't believe that she had misjudged the turn so miserably. Do you know this woman jumped off the bus and cursed ME out? What's up with that??? She was cited by the poilice officer as being at fault but why did she feel the need to go off on me when SHE was so clearly at fault.

Then today I was sitting in my parked car and a woman was backing into the space in front of me. While backing in she struck the front of my car with a little too much force. I jumped out of my car to see the damage. She leisuresly got out of her car and gathered her things and was going to walk away! I said, "Excuse me, you just HIT my car." She said, "I didn't HIT your car, I tapped it. That's what bumpers are for." I took a step closer to her and I looked her in the eye, "You HIT my car and if you were a decent polite person you would at least apologize." In the snottiest voice she could muster she said, "sorry". I called her an asshole and went back to my car, LOL.

What's wrong with folks? Granted my "asshole" comment was not very nice either but I feel that was at least warranted after the RUDENESS for this chick.

Anyway, I SICK of the rude people!